Guest blog submission guidelines

I welcome submissions from guest bloggers for publication on The Calm Space Blog.

Below are the guidelines. Please let me know if you have questions.

What kind of content do you accept?

The Calm Space blog aims to support people to nurture themselves and find inner calm in a stressful world. 

Readers are predominantly female and include women experiencing menopause, pregnancy and early parenting.  Suitable topics include gentle yoga, holistic therapies, meditation and self-care.  Please study the content at to get an understanding of the types of subject matter covered.

Content should be evidence-based and should aim to inform and support readers. I welcome practical and accessible advice that readers can use in their self-care and new parenting journeys.

Your post should not primarily aim to advertise or sell products. 

General guidelines

Your post must be original and must have never been published before on the Internet.

No minimum length, but I recommend about 500 – 1000 words for decent depth and detail.

Write in a friendly and approachable voice/tone.

Accompanying image is optional (I will include one if you don’t). If you wish to provide an image to go with your blog post, it should be attributed (provide image source URL), at least 200×200 pixels, JPG or PNG format.

Common sense guidelines

Use short paragraphs, subheadings, and/or bullet lists to break up your article.

Check your spelling and grammar.

Attribute any quoted/paraphrased info with links to the sources.

Author bio guidelines

Recommended length is 50-75 words.

You can include 1-2 links in the byline, which will be displayed at the bottom of the post.  Please do not include marketing links elsewhere in your post.  I reserve the right to exclude links to websites which are not aligned with my personal and business values.

Administration Fee

An admin fee of £35.00 will be charged per blog post published on the site.  You will be invoiced for this once your post has been accepted for publication.  Under some circumstances I may agree to waive this fee in return for links to or promotion of The Calm Space on suitable platforms. 

Submission guidelines

Email your blog post to with “guest post for The Calm Space blog” in the Subject line.  Please include the post in the body of the email itself, as an editable Google Doc link, or as a .doc or .docx attachment.

It may take up to two weeks before I respond to you. Even if I choose not to publish your blog post, you will get a response, explaining the reason.

If I publish your blog post, The Calm Space has full rights to the content, including but not limited to edit, mix, duplicate, use, or re-use it in whole or in part as it so chooses.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you so much for offering to be a guest writer for The Calm Space Blog.
