How to sleep when pregnant? Here are some ideas to help you get the rest you need …
Lots of mums-to-be find themselves asking how to sleep when pregnant. I’ve had seven babies myself, so I know just how tough it can be to get a good night’s…
Lots of mums-to-be find themselves asking how to sleep when pregnant. I’ve had seven babies myself, so I know just how tough it can be to get a good night’s…
Sleep deprivation can seriously impact your health and wellbeing. Getting insufficient sleep, or poor quality sleep is seriously bad for you. It can lead to fatigue, daytime sleepiness, poor concentration,…
When I was a student midwife I spent a few days observing other aspects of hospital life outside the maternity department. One of my most remarkable experiences was holding in…
We all think we want to be in control. Especially in important situations which feel risky. So it is completely understandable that mothers often feel they need to control their…
Anyone coming to my yoga classes will hear me talking about letting go of expectations. It's central to why I practice and teach yoga. I believe we all need to find release…
My life’s been hectic recently. Health visitor training is a full time job, and the essay deadlines have been coming thick and fast. In between seeing clients and revising for…
Being a parent can be tough. Often we feel that we should be able to solve all our children’s problems. Sometimes we can’t, and that can leave us feeling hurt…
Maybe it looks like everyone else just floats along to yoga all chilled and happy. But I can't believe I'm the only one with some worrying little niggles. What are…
I used to think meditation was incredibly boring. I knew it was supposed to be good for me, but it felt like such a waste of time. I always have…
This week I want to tell you a story about a new mum. Let’s call her Chloe. Chloe is so excited and happy to be pregnant. But now she feels her…