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Guest Blog: Indoor and Outdoor Exercise to keep you and your Family Active

Guest blogger Anya Willis shares some ideas about staying active during a pandemic.

The pandemic has put a damper on many families’ fitness and wellness pursuits. This means many people are still reluctant or aren’t able to head back to their favorite gym or just yet. But not to worry—here are both indoor and outdoor exercises you and your family can enjoy while continuing to stick to social distancing rules.

The Calm Space offers online yoga classes that focus on relaxation and self-care. Register today!

Get Fit Indoors and Online

Working out on your own isn’t always fun—or effective. Using online resources can help you maximize your workout and learn something new until you’re ready to head back to the gym.

Dedicate a Space for Your Activities

With a bit of creativity and a few supplies, you can create a fitness space at home. Incorporate elements unique to your fitness training, yoga practice or more high-impact workouts.

  • Select the right equipment for your sport or exercise goals.
  • Ensure a clean environment by wiping down your fitness equipment regularly.
  • Always warm up pre-workout for safety and maximum results.
  • A decluttered and organized space can help you focus and stay positive.

Head Outdoors—If You Feel Safe

If you venture into public parks and spaces, you should stick to coronavirus safety rules, and you can still enjoy some outdoor adventures as a family.

Staying active during the pandemic can be challenging, especially if you’re still not ready for gym workouts. But with a handful of online resources, a dedicated area for your exercise, and a bit of flexibility to get outdoors, you can make it work. Once it’s safe to head out again, you’ll be more than ready to resume your regular fitness regimen.

Thank you to Anya Willis for this guest blog. You can visit Anya’s website at

The Calm Space offers Yin and Restorative Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga and Reflexology.  

Click here to download a simple body scan relaxation.

You can learn more about my Yoga classes and Reflexology at my website

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