Do you enjoy yoga? It doesn’t have to be a handstand. Sitting comfortably and breathing calmly can be just as good. But where do you like to practice? Here are a few of my favourite yoga spaces.
1. On a mountain
There’s no denying this is pretty special. I went on this amazing yoga retreat in Spain last summer, and every morning we walked up the mountainside to a beautiful platform where we practiced as the sun came up. Wow!

2. In my bedroom
Can’t beat this one for privacy. I like to be warm, quiet and alone. It’s a lovely feeling to roll out of bed, unroll the mat, get the aromatherapy diffuser going and some soft music playing. Bliss.
3. Somewhere completely new
Sometimes it’s fun to try out new places. In my first few months working as a health visitor in Hackney I tried out lots of swanky London studios. It’s always just a little bit scary walking in somewhere you’ve never been before. But I had lots of fun and found some great spaces.
4. At my cosy local class with my yogi family
This feels safe and familiar. It’s great to walk into the room and spot a lovely friend chilling on the mat in the corner. I’ll be smiling through the class, looking forward heading off with her for a coffee and a proper chat afterwards.
5. On the beach
This one takes a bit more courage, or a seriously deserted beach. But I can’t get enough of the calm sound of waves gently breaking on the sand. And how perfect to fix your gaze on a clear, blue horizon.

6. In the semi-darkness
I don’t have great confidence in my body. I don’t really like people watching me. I have fat legs. Sometimes it’s liberating to laugh at my fears and dance in the sun. But other times a quiet, dark space lit by a couple of candles feels safe. Then I can go right inside and find the freedom within.

7. In my meditation shed
I have a little shed at the end of my garden. The children used to use it for painting, but they’re getting big now, so last summer I cleaned it up and turned it into a yoga and meditation space. It’s small, quiet and simple. I can hear the birds sing.

8. With my daughter
My little girl brings such a gentle, honest spirit to yoga practice. She loves to be on a mat beside me. She doesn’t care about achieving perfect form. She likes to be very comfortable. She loves to breathe, rest and enjoy every moment. She’s pretty bendy too!

How about you? Where do you love to practice? Why not share, and maybe post a picture of your favourite space?